Vaccines Articles

EMERGENT INFO!!! – This Is What We Warned You About Years Ago!

NOTE FROM AWAKENVIDEO: This information is correct to a T. Todd Callender has kept the same scientifically discovered data from day one. Unfortunately, his particular "blind spot" is Trump. Everyone is mind controlled to one degree or another...everyone. Trump is the...

Personality Changes Post Genocide Jab – Frontal Lobe Damage

Scientists Confirm Your Personality ‘Drastically Alters’ After Getting COVID Jab article with video: Reiner Fuellmich - Suddenly changed?...

EVERY Nation Run By The SAME masonic Scum – New Zealand’s Story Did we see the exact methods used elsewhere? Specifically, we saw exactly the methodology needed per each nation. First all opposition was removed by assassinating or bribing non-compliant national leadership and then replacing...

MASIVO!!! – Los Inyectados Están Cambiando – Actualización 18MAR2023

Dos videos muy importantes a continuación. Manténgase en contacto con este sitio web. Presentaremos evidencia del 5G Kill Grid recientemente instalado en Uruguay por MOSSAD/Israel. Próximamente esta información. Manténganse al tanto. El 87% de los uruguayos ha...

11 11 World Anti Vaccine Day!

Celebrate the Pure Blood that you are !!! The vaccinated are literally and scientifically, no longer part of our species, but rather a new sub-species. And, if the mRNA injection has given them any super power at all, it would appear to be the power to die very...

Fauci – Genocidist

Buy your copy of The Real Anthony Fauci HERE We warned you all for years about this psychopath and the rest like it. Bill Gates, Fauci and all their Legion are satanic to the core. They are all pure evil and you put yours and your family's lives into their claws???...

Monkey Socks -“MonkeyPox” Is A Known Adverse Reaction To The Covid-19 Genocide Jab

SPARS Document that Bonnie mentions in this Patreon video here. Interpol Investigation...

Se Reanuda el GENOCIDIO de Niños en Uruguay – Y Ahora Sabes LO QUE Realmente Es Pou

ACTUALIZAR AQUÍ - ¡¡¡Aquellos de ustedes que inyecten a los niños este veneno CONOCIDO... arderán en el Infierno por toda la eternidad!!! 777~Ninguno en...

¡MASIVO! ACTUALIZADO 04/08 ¡¡¡Noticias Urgentes!!! w/Eng.Subs.

¡¡¡ACTUALIZADO MASIVO!!! 04/08  IMPORTANTE Fin de la actualización 04/08------------------------------------------------- La enfermedad ampollosa autoinmune es una reacción adversa conocida a la inyección del genocidio Covid-19. MONKEYPOX/LA VIRUELA DEL MONO NO...

Uruguay -El Mundo Entero Esta Viendo

ACTUALIZAR 14/07/2022  Las satánicos OPS y OMS están dando su malévolo apoyo para reinstaurar la inyección genocida de niños uruguayos.   Del artículo anterior: La nota también subraya que la vacuna del laboratorio estadounidense Pfizer, que se aplicó a los...

Uruguay ¡Despierta! Argentina Recibe La Verdad Sobre El Genocidio Mundial

Vídeo actualización 15/07/2022 Este video fue transmitido a todo el país de Argentina por la televisión nacional por una conocida y respetada periodista, Verónica Ressia. Ahora la verdad está a la vista de todos para ser testigos. ¡¡¡Cualquier... CUALQUIER político...


En español a continuación... NONE OF THE FOLLOWING SHOULD BE INJECTED INTO A HUMAN BODY BUT...ALL OF THEM ARE !!! Aluminium...Known to cause brain damage at all doses, linked to Alzheimer’s Disease, dementia, seizures, automimmune issues, SIDs and cancer. This toxin...

5G Covid Connection – VERY IMPORTANT

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Filicide – A Millstone Around Your Neck

Parents: A pair of persons who rent a 'kid' from its berth. Pair-rent. ...

Dr Vladimir Zelenko – Respected Dr. For The Elite Says “Kill Shot”

Evidence suggests people who have received the COVID “vaccine” may have a reduced lifespan as a result of the acute, subacute and long-term effects from the COVID injection If you’ve gotten the COVID shot, consider yourself high risk for COVID and implement a daily...

UPDATED Taylor Lee – FDA Approved Scumbag – Project Veritas Part 2

Update: 23SEP2021 Leaked Maricopa Audit Results FDA Official 'Blow Dart African Americans' & Wants 'Nazi Germany Registry' for Unvaccinated. THE VACCINE DEATH REPORT - PDF HERE   Ace Ventura GIFfrom Ace GIFs


PROJECT VERITAS ON BITCHUTE Jodi must now face the backlash from those evil individuals trying so desperately to hide the truth from the world. She will likely lose her job and benefits. Let us show the world that good men and women will chip in and help support...

L@@K !!! SHARE !!!

Red Voice Media with Stew Peters Even if you are over 85 years old...WHY IN THE WORLD...

MUST SEE – Martin und Fuellmich Offenbarung – Z 14:12

Zechariah 14:12 To be fair and transparent - Many wonder if Dr. Martin is a member of the luciferian masons. [video width="1920" height="1080"...