Sacred Geometry Articles

Zero Point – Volume I – Messages From The Past

Thank you Electrobadgr

Neil Kramer – Consciousness – Metaphysics – Mysticism

Thank you conspiracyinterviews Thank you Neil Kramer

Art Eye Facts

Thank you to Brien Foerster and Hidden Inca Tours. Absolutely wonderful revealings. Thank you and from the heart of what you reveal, Namaste. Below you will find several more interesting videos from Brien Foerster plus a few others which compliment this post. So...

We Always Love This Part : Computer Code Discovered Within Your Simulation

A peek at a crack in the matrix. This is a wonderful sign of things to come. Much love and respect goes out to JohananRaatz for putting this together so nicely. Of course, love and respect to Dr. S. James Gates Jr. for this discovery....

Torsion Light Pagan-Dan Winter

~Maji Brother~ The closer you get to the final truth, the closer the shadows pursue.

Santos Bonacci~The Ancient Theology Astrology

Great respect to you Santos Bonacci Part Two Below

Gravity from the 5th Dimension

This is one of the best individuals I've ever seen at explaining the complex in a meaningful way. Hats off to Rob Bryanton at the 10thdim youtube channel. We at awakenvideo hope you find Mr. Bryanton's work as compelling as we do. We have included few more of our...

May 20, 2012 Crop Circle

Jaime Maussen explains a crop circle that shows important days from the Tzolkein calendar. The first date is "the day zero, when the Pleiades, the Sun, and the Earth are joined together." This happens on May 20, 2012. "Here we have an annular eclipse, a partial...

Images of Sacred Geometry

Sacred Geometry incorporated into the computer graphic building of a beautiful castle.

Numerology 11:11

Rik Clay discusses the significance of 1111. "The Mayan calendar ends on 12/21/2012 at 11:11am." Rik gives numerous examples of the number 11 occurring in the universe. "1111 x 1111 = 1234321 = a pyramid." More from Rik Clay on Youtube

Frequency Creates Shape

Salt placed on an oscillator and vibrated at various frequencies creates geometric patterns. AMAZING. Each frequency has its own shape. Now start looking up and noticing the shapes in the ChemHaze too.As above so below.

Dan Winter Presents Life Force

Dan Winter speaks on life force and its effects.

Fractal Geometry

The environment we live in is based on a fractal geometry. Inside our bodies are 50 trillion cells living in harmony to sustain one organism. We can apply this same thinking to the planet; each part living in harmony with another and room for everyone to exist in...

The Flower of Life 1of19

Drunvalo Melchizedek presents the flower of life and sacred geometry, merkabah, heart center, crop circles, ETs, indigo children, and MUCH MORE!

The Flower of Life 2of19

Drunvalo Melchizedek presents the flower of life and sacred geometry, merkabah, heart center, crop circles, ETs, indigo children, and MUCH MORE!

The Flower of Life 3of19

Drunvalo Melchizedek presents the flower of life and sacred geometry, merkabah, heart center, crop circles, ETs, indigo children, and MUCH MORE!

The Flower of Life 4of19

Drunvalo Melchizedek presents the flower of life and sacred geometry, merkabah, heart center, crop circles, ETs, indigo children, and MUCH MORE!

The Flower of Life 5of19

Drunvalo Melchizedek presents the flower of life and sacred geometry, merkabah, heart center, crop circles, ETs, indigo children, and MUCH MORE!

The Flower of Life 6of19

Drunvalo Melchizedek presents the flower of life and sacred geometry, merkabah, heart center, crop circles, ETs, indigo children, and MUCH MORE!

The Flower of Life 7of19

Drunvalo Melchizedek presents the flower of life and sacred geometry, merkabah, heart center, crop circles, ETs, indigo children, and MUCH MORE!