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Wisdom of the Elders Articles
Weather Channel Founder – There is no Global Warming
Humans do NOT cause Global Warming. Global Warming by human hands is a HOAX. A new scientific...
"They are above The Abyss, and contain all con- tradiction in themselves. Below them is a seeming...
Remember Who You Are – David Icke
Thank you David Icke. Please help support David's work here. TEN HOURS of unique and...
The Wilderness of Mirrors : Part One – A Film by James Stirling
Thank you Electrobadgr The Wilderness of Mirrors Part One - A Film by James Stirling. The first...
Remember Who You Are – David Icke
Thank you David Icke. Please help support David's work here. TEN HOURS of unique and uniquely-presented information...
The Wilderness of Mirrors : Part One – A Film by James Stirling
Thank you Electrobadgr The Wilderness of Mirrors Part One - A Film by James Stirling. The first film by Vivid Pictures...
Darque Phorse Rit(truth)-u(you)-al(all) Majjec
NOT-ICE This was a satanic ritual as surely many of you are now ready to see. These children should be able to read...
The Gospel of Thomas
Thank you revillusi0nz and thank you YaleCourses "What makes us free is the gnosis of who we were, of what we have...
Santos Bonacci – Lawful Awakening – Sin and Salvation Part I
Thank you Santos Bonacci universaltruthschool.com Santos Bonacci - Lawful Awakening - Sin and Salvation Part II...
Red Ice Radio – Where Intellect Gathers
We at awakenvideo are very pleased to share with you all a very special place on the internet... redice.tv about this...
Mauro Biglino – Truth Speaker
Uploaded by sepuste Mauro Biglino translated 23 books of the Bible for the Vatican. He had to translate the Lenngrad...
Star Knowledge TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=000lFMIedfs mendingthesacredhoopthemovie.com more...
Beyond the Cutting Edge ~ David Icke
Please check out David Icke at his website here. Take a look at his youtube channel here. If you enjoy this video...