About the Title: Those who cause damage to mankind will pay that negative karma three fold. This...
Mind Control Articles
The Last Sane Voice Down Under?
It is refreshing, despite the reality, to listen to a man speak actual truth. So many corrupt,...
Want to See Psychopaths Demon-strating Duping Delight?
Here we see, yet again, these two insane creatures pushing their poison onto mankind and making...
Two Baphomets Who Hate REAL Men and Women
The crimes that these two sick monsters have committed are beginning to come into the light. What...
BREAKING NEWS !!! Brazil Discovers COVID19 HOAX
Members of Brazil’s Parliament Broke Into Hospital that Claimed to Have 5,000 Infected & 200...
Hollywood Hypocrites
Thank you OneTruth4Life In this crazy reality you have been trained, yes trained, to idolize actors and sometimes even...
The Wilderness of Mirrors : Part One – A Film by James Stirling
Thank you Electrobadgr The Wilderness of Mirrors Part One - A Film by James Stirling. The first film by Vivid Pictures...
Walk Softly and Occupy the Vatican
Grazie mille Santos Bonacci, per rispetto. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Cg7rWSWRl8