Awaken Videos Articles

7 – This Is Why They Fear Us

When you stop believing and put your mind to knowing, you too can do this and much more. This entire earth was made for you. You can manifest reality here. If only you knew. Their ONLY power is to deceive you. The NWO is made entirely of the weak for they are merely...

7 – For The Elect of Elyon – Prognatus Septem Aeternus

This two part video was made to explain what exactly I have gone through in the past, which has prepared me for what is happening now. I now comprehend my purpose in being here on Earth during this, the end of the 4th world. More to come soon. With love, care and...

The Purge Is Before Us

By the time our words will have become reality, over two years will have passed by....

Urgent – Patreon Part 1

  More to follow in two or three days on Patreon access.  

Cellphones Block Ascension

In this 31st Patreon post Bonnie and John speak about mind control with many examples and references to the documentation and information you will discover within this post. There is not much TIME (tie-me). Do yourself the favor of giving yourself the very best chance...

ACT NOW – Demonic or Divine?

Demonic or Divine – Which one are you? It is urgent that you choose your path now. There is no middle ground; you cannot be good and bad at the same time. Your vibrational frequency will take you where you need to be when the Shift happens. Let everything from your...

OCULUS And The Fourth Wall – Patreon Sample

This video is the first 8 minutes of our latest Patreon content. Synopsis: In this Patreon video we share our experience with Oculus Virtual Reality technology. It was eye opening, to say the least. It seems there is an entire false matrix virtual reality standing by...

Cellular Mind Kontrol – ft. Bonnie and John

This is a well written article concerning the mind control effects of cellular phones on human beings. Click Here [video width="854" height="480"...

Ascend From This Realm

Serge Monaste and crucial information about the coming false alien invasion (V) through Project Blue Beam - Click Here The video below is from Jon Levi. I highly recommend that you check out his work.Jon on Patreon Jon on Odysee [video width="1920" height="1080"...


EAS - EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEM HIGHLY PROBABLE 0000 THIS EVENINGCATASTROPHE OF BIBLICAL PROPORTIONS COMING SOON AFTER EAS. What comes next Brothers and Sisters, is the beginning of the 7 years of tribulation.One third of shipping at anchor near ports, poised...for what?...

Parasite 11/11

You are Divine. Your existence among Legion proves it so. They are so weak in mind, body...

Take Back Your Power and Manifest Your Reality

If you are awake and aware, you will see the truth of this place. Focus your energy on creating a beautiful life for yourself and your loved ones. We will no longer give energy to the Controllers. Focus now on the love and light of the new world brought about by our...

Español Para Uruguayos y English For EXPATS In UY Consultado sobre lo dicho por el presidente Luis Lacalle Pou respecto a la posibilidad de dejar de usar tapabocas al aire libre, el ministro dijo que "tiene cierta lógica en espacios abiertos", pero...

Focus On Awakening

In this post Bonnie and John relay their insights and feelings concerning the imminent Shift. The signs are all around us now and even the sleepy are becoming concerned for the future. Time is up and The Wrath of The Creator is upon The Left Hand Path while a bright...

Find The Joy In Your Life

Let go of your fear and rise up!

Manifest Your Way Through The Shift

The Shift of Consciousness is here. I am going to focus on the love and light in my heart. I am going to manifest good things in my life…good things for me and the people I live with and the people that are around me. It has to start with me. I am projecting my...


ALL TRUTH REVEALED IN THIS TIME. ~AS ABOVE SO BELOW~ 42 THE NUMBER OF THE CHRIST Main Declass -  Click Here Do YOUR part and share this post, the TRUTH, far and wide on every platform you can. Many have died waiting on the information contained in this...

The Controllers are Losing It

As Humanity awakens from its slumber and reclaims its power, the controllers are losing their grip. We are living through a transition from the Age of Capricorn to the Age of Aquarius. Now the Truth becomes known to us all.

Time To Step Up

The old matrix world is crashing down around us. It is time to step up and create a new world with love in your heart. The shift is happening now!!