Exclusive Videos Articles

Farewell To Our Patreons

Thank you to all of our Patreon family. Bonnie and I have both enjoyed making monthly videos for you over the years. Now it is time for us to focus all of our efforts on our growing Locals Awakenvideo Community. We ask that you all consider signing up as a free member...

Catching Up On The Beach

In this exclusive Patreon video for May 2024, John and Bonnie discuss: The rapid introduction of AI to the public. Though AI has been secretly used for many years, it is now quickly being integrated into society. As the public tests AI to see how it can be used in...

Pivoting Into Abyss

CERN opens the door. A.I. breaches the connection between the ethereal demonic realm and The Creators earth. The embodiment of A.I. into robotics is nothing less than giving the demonic realm eyes to see, ears to hear, sensors to smell and touch and soon...the means...

Returning To Natural Loving Energy

Awakenvideo on Rumble https://rumble.com/c/Awakenvideo Supporter Community on Locals https://awakenvideo.locals.com/support [video mp4="https://awakenvideo.org/wp-content/uploads/v/d3/5/Patreon-062.mp4"...

April 8 Eclipse X

Check out our original artwork designs at our shop here... https://awakenvideo.org/shop/ Signs of the Artificer: Archaix Interpretation of 2024 Eclipse video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCaVUCc_KCw [video...

The Earth Divine, The World Evil

Youtube video from That's Impossible channel 72kyros Yes, we are not keen on the logo either. The info presented is important. Madmod72 channel. Same guy different channel. [video mp4="https://awakenvideo.org/wp-content/uploads/v/d3/5/Patreon060.mp4"...
We Love You Patreons

We Love You Patreons 🙂

In this 59th Patreon video, John and Bonnie discuss the changes they have been observing within the false matrix A.K.A. the world vs. the natural earth plane of The Creator. As always they offer insight into a fearless transition from 3D to multidimensional eternal...

Nueva Campaña de Genocidio en Uruguay – ACTUALIZAR 25-1-2024

ARTÍCULO: https://es.mercopress.com/2024/01/17/uruguay-lanza-nueva-campana-de-vacunacion-contra-el-covid-19 A mis hermanos y hermanas de habla hispana que se encuentran en el camino de la mano derecha.Vemos lo que estos malvados políticos, satanistas y masones le han...

Happy New Year ~ 2024 !

Bonnie and I thank you for your support. And we wish you the happiest new year in 2024. Many Blessings to you all 🙂

Manifest Beautiful

It is important to realize that your thoughts create your reality. If you think positively, you will attract positive things into your life. If you think negatively, you will attract negative things into your life. It really is a losing battle to focus on what is...

5G Turning Your House Into A Microwave Oven

Dear Patreons....you can find all of our Awakenvideo Friday Nite Live Streams at these two links https://awakenvideo.locals.com/ https://rumble.com/c/Awakenvideo And here is the promo code that is good until Nov 26th so you can check out our Supporters Only Content...
Stay Calm In The Face Of The Storm

Stay Calm In The Face Of The Storm

Stay calm in the face of the storm. As we near the end of this world, it is wise to go inward and find your inner strength. Focus on being in the present moment. Realize you are an eternal being who is only here on this Earth plane temporarily. With patience and faith...

7 – This Is Why They Fear Us

When you stop believing and put your mind to knowing, you too can do this and much more. This entire earth was made for you. You can manifest reality here. If only you knew. Their ONLY power is to deceive you. The NWO is made entirely of the weak for they are merely...

777 Siete Siete Siete 777

Los hermosos niños de Uruguay no están pasando por un virus. Están experimentando una deficiencia del sistema inmunológico debido a que les inyectaron la poción genocida de ARNm / óxido de grafeno. Estos niños dañados ya no pueden luchar contra los más leves contagios...

Hold Fast And Have No Fear

Hola Patreons! In this video we take you to a new location and talk about current changes and ideas about how to handle what is coming. Hold fast everyone, The Right Hand Path is about to speed up dramatically...noticeably. [video...

The Shift by Bonnie Jean Mitchell

We can see the insanity of the world and the extremes of how far that insanity is being pushed. It is clear to the awake people that we don’t have much longer. How much longer can any of this hold together? There has to be a stopping point where everything either...

7 – Catastrophic Event Occurred In The District Of Columbia Today

Patreon 050 Only by the grace and glory of our Father in heaven, I share this gift with those eyes...

Libtard Leslie Jones Offers The Only Solution That Low I.Q.’s Have…Violence

If you protest pedophile mentally disturbed "men" wearing dresses and reading to innocent children in libraries, Leslie Jones will assault you. You see, those who CAN NOT use their intellect because they DO NOT have one, can only do ONE THING...Threaten Violence. Keep...