Exclusive Videos Articles

With The Antichrist Comes “Retribution”

In this 49th Patreon post John and Bonnie discuss the coming purge that will come with Trump. All of those many dimwitted who participated in unlawful acts of theft and violence will soon find themselves in camp F.E.M.A. before being carted off below to U.N. detention...

False Alien Invasion – Last Card – ft. Rare Footage

     REDDWARF - FRAWDDER [video width="1280" height="720"...

7 – None More Deceived Than The Deceivers – Death Shall Not Find Them

By the grace and glory of our Creator who dwells in Heaven above us all, I present this video format information for all. [video width="1280" height="720" mp4="https://awakenvideo.org/wp-content/uploads/v/d3/1/Patreon046-7-4.mp4"...
Project Blue Beam

Project Blue Beam – Fruit Of The Losers

Project Blue Beam has 4 steps: 1. Artificially Created Earthquakes and fake “discoveries” of Planted Artifacts to make people believe their religion was wrong. 2. Space Show in the sky; simulated Apocalypse and introduction of New “Messiah” who will be the anti-Christ...


DOG = GOD (pronounced: Gad. Gad is the deity/"god" of luck/fortune.) Star = Rats (Their very life...

7 – For The Elect of Elyon – Prognatus Septem Aeternus

This two part video was made to explain what exactly I have gone through in the past, which has prepared me for what is happening now. I now comprehend my purpose in being here on Earth during this, the end of the 4th world. More to come soon. With love, care and...

7- Omega Has Begun

To those who have connected with us through Patreon.com. Now is the moment you find out...

Submarinos Downtown

Gigantic undeniable changes are taking place...finally 🙂 John and Bonnie discuss these coming events which will vastly affect mankind. The end of the 4th World is upon us. And the beginning of the 5th World in 5D for many. The Left / Right paradigm of politics is...

The Purge Is Before Us

By the time our words will have become reality, over two years will have passed by....


In this 35th Patreon video, John and Bonnie talk about what is going right in our world. There are two paths you can go by. Right or Left, it is and has always been your choice. We are now collectively watching the Left devour itself as this 4th "physical" world...
create your reality

Change Your Perception of Who You Are and Create Your Reality

Focus on the positive! It is time to turn inward and focus on your own heart energy to create your reality the way you want it to be. Give your energy and attention to what you want to manifest. New ideas are coming to the surface as consciousness rises. New ideas...

Monkey Socks -“MonkeyPox” Is A Known Adverse Reaction To The Covid-19 Genocide Jab

SPARS Document that Bonnie mentions in this Patreon video here. Interpol Investigation...

Urgent – Patreon Part 2of2

Thank you to everyone for your patience. We'll consider this our June...

Urgent – Patreon Part 1

  More to follow in two or three days on Patreon access.  

Cellphones Block Ascension

In this 31st Patreon post Bonnie and John speak about mind control with many examples and references to the documentation and information you will discover within this post. There is not much TIME (tie-me). Do yourself the favor of giving yourself the very best chance...

GITMO, Pole Shift, New Antarctic Evidence

In this 30th Patreon video, John and Bonnie talk about the Left Hand narrative and its coming twists and turns involving GITMO and evidence of Military Tribunals. Also revealed are some still shots taken from an Antarctica expedition documentary. While these images...

Nothing As It Seems

In this 29th Patreon video, Bonnie and John discuss HIStory and how the satanic narrative has absolutely nothing to do with reality, what is truly happening nor how these things came to happen. The god/dog of this realm is sad satan/lucifer. This creature is THE...

Pleading to Evil for Truth – “Disclosure”

In this video, Bonnie and John discuss UFO/Alien Disclosure and why that is never going to happen in any honest fashion. They talk about the fact that our current corrupt system comes from The Fallen. From government to high technology, it is all Fallen Angel ideology...