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Chemtrails Articles
Controlling the Weather- satanic D.O.D. Hard at Work
A well made video compilation of the chemtrail phenomena. The global satanic network known as...
Chemtrail Killers
A closer look at chemtrails. This video shows some satellite photos and describes Morgellons...
Taiwan Chemtrails
Taiwan is covered with a mesh of chemtrails, just like everywhere else. A news report shows...
Chemtrail Planes Surprised by Huge UFO
Two chemtrail planes are surprised by a UFO flyby. As they are laying down two very thick, pronounced chemtrails, this...
Chem Plasma and HAARP Makes Dogs Shake
Original text from iwasthatdolphin June 24, 2009 Although this was filmed near Glasgow, is a covert...
Weather Warfare 1of4
Another TVized look at HAARP and chemtrails used as weather modification and weather warfare. This is a pretty...
Weather Warfare 2of4
Another TVized look at HAARP and chemtrails used as weather modification and weather warfare. This is a pretty...
Weather Warfare 3of4
Another TVized look at HAARP and chemtrails used as weather modification and weather warfare. This is a pretty...
Weather Warfare 4of4
Another TVized look at HAARP and chemtrails used as weather modification and weather warfare. This is a pretty...
Great Video Evidence of Spray Operations
Lots of still shots with in of spray operation utilities. Chemtrails mixed with 666pharma=bad news for all surface...
Chemtrails, History’s View (wink)
A nod is as good as a wink to a blind man. This is TV's version...always slanted terribly, never-the-less addressed...
Awesome Aerial View of Chemtrails, Japan
This is a video apparently taken from inside a commercial jet whilst flying over a very organized chemtrail grid. You...