Chemtrails Articles

Why In The World Are They Spraying

Thank you Truth Media Production July 2, 2013 Article about Geoengineering published by LiveScience pdf document: link   "No more Chemtrails,.. not today Make the Chemtrails,.. go away They will not stick, they will not...

Chemtrails Being Added To Your Media Matrix

OCTO(8)ber is your 10th month? SEPTEM(7)ber your 9th month and DEC(10)ember your 12th? Think something might be messing with you? Is this information extraordinary or extra ordinary? YOU are NOT what you have been made to think you are. Just a short time more...we...

Chemtrails to Pseudo Life SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY

We have been aware of chemtrails for several years now. We are also aware of the epic psy-op which continues today to re-write your memory and to simply erase chemtrails from your perception. We have done our best to bring all the best insight to you here at...

HAARP/Aerosol-Chemtrails Plasma Weapons

Exposing a Spiritual, Mass Mind Control, and Planetary Assault.Alfred Lambremont Webre. "HAARP has three major components: a spaced based, an air based, and a ground based component. The space based component weaponizes the earth's ionosphere which is the uppermost...

Chemtrail Spraying UP CLOSE

This video was filmed from an airplane flying above a chemtrail plane in the sky. You can clearly see the spray nozzles on the underside of each wing. The plane even turns the chemtrail spray off and then turns it back on again. If you need to prove the chemtrail...

Don’t Talk About The Weather PART1

Ever wondered why the sky is overcast nearly every day, why people are coughing and getting sick, and why everything on the news is suddenly a crisis? Don’t Talk About the Weather chronicles a grass-roots investigation into chemtrails, analyzing the different and...


A well made video compilation of the chemtrail phenomena. The global satanic network known as illuminati (actually: The Dark Ones) and freemasonry (actually: a global luciferian cult) have been behind the spraying of the global population since, at least, 1999 on a...

Chemtrail Killers

A closer look at chemtrails. This video shows some satellite photos and describes Morgellons Disease, caused by chemtrails. You can find many important videos made by NufffRespect at chemtrail data page

Taiwan Chemtrails

Taiwan is covered with a mesh of chemtrails, just like everywhere else. A news report shows multiple shots of the chemtrail coverage and compares them to normal cumulus clouds on the horizon. Chemtrails, HAARP, Earthquakes in Taiwan chemtrail data page

Girl Films Chemtrails In Maui But Finds UFOs

Thanks madmod72 and dinosauro67 Caught 21FEB10.

Fake Chemtrail Plane

Now that our atmosphere has been sprayed into a plasma state, holographic deception is much more efficient. Think of the man power, fuel etc... that can be saved by simply projecting old world aircraft in front of your triangular antigrav-tech aircraft. Two pilots...

Chemtrail Planes Surprised by Huge UFO

Two chemtrail planes are surprised by a UFO flyby. As they are laying down two very thick, pronounced chemtrails, this huge UFO, estimated at two miles in length, zips above them in the sky.

Chem Plasma and HAARP Makes Dogs Shake

Original text from iwasthatdolphin June 24, 2009 Although this was filmed near Glasgow, is a covert Global Agenda, obviously. Now that you know...what will you do...?!! LOOK UP! WAKE UP! SPEAK UP! Time, my friends is NOT our friend...?!! 'They' will have...

Weather Warfare 1of4

Another TVized look at HAARP and chemtrails used as weather modification and weather warfare. This is a pretty informative documentary or it wouldn't be here. Just ask yourself, If our government is behind all of this crap why would they let the History Channel...

Weather Warfare 2of4

Another TVized look at HAARP and chemtrails used as weather modification and weather warfare. This is a pretty informative documentary or it wouldn't be here. Just ask yourself, If our government is behind all of this crap why would they let the History Channel...

Weather Warfare 3of4

Another TVized look at HAARP and chemtrails used as weather modification and weather warfare. This is a pretty informative documentary or it wouldn't be here. Just ask yourself, If our government is behind all of this crap why would they let the History Channel...

Weather Warfare 4of4

Another TVized look at HAARP and chemtrails used as weather modification and weather warfare. This is a pretty informative documentary or it wouldn't be here. Just ask yourself, If our government is behind all of this crap why would they let the History Channel...

Great Video Evidence of Spray Operations

Lots of still shots with in of spray operation utilities. Chemtrails mixed with 666pharma=bad news for all surface dwellers. Masonic chemtrail operations have been in effect now for over a decade in many parts of the world. The deceivers believe in what they are doing...


A well made video compilation of the chemtrail phenomena. The global satanic network known as illuminati (actually:...

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