Hello fellow Men and Women of this world we share. Bonnie and I have missed you, our online connections to reality, truth, health and a common future of love and respect. We have decided to open awakenvideo now despite not being 100% ready. We make this decision based on a real crying out to us by so many in this time of need. We are answering your call by opening awakenvideo and offering this first of many new posts to come, plus SO much more. Much of these new innovations are discussed here on our Welcome to the New Awakenvideo.org Website video,
We have been studying and listening closely to everything valid we can find. The three videos of this posting, to date, we believe paints the clearest picture that we as a species are being duped by sinister, parasitic, sad little creatures. For how much longer? Stand up and shout!!! Do Something once you see this and finally get it. At least, go tell somebody you care about who you know is believing this garbage. Do something and by that single act save yourself of the real disgrace of doing nothing when you could have.
We love you good men and women of this realm…this middle earth.
777 ~ None in this world more deceived than the deceivers of this world ~ 777
The following video is extremely important. It may be a little difficult to sit through due to background music. This music was added in such a way as to trick youtube algorithms. Never-the-less this is a MUST SEE.
This great article from Technocracy News. Bonnie and I receive this email news letter.
This is the only other email news letter we receive, we recommend it…from Humansarefree
The above video is from this informative youtube channel
The above video is from this informative youtube channel
The above video is from this informative youtube channel
All of the men and women involved in this evil will soon be known and recognized by us all. Like the homicidal monsters Bill and Melinda Gates and their foundation of horrors.
Our friend, Heather, compiled this patent information below. Pay close attention to the dates.
“I compiled these today for the Coronavirus, coronavirus Vaccine & Cryptocurrency with Human Body Interface & published the article here –https://z3news.com/w/coronavirus-coronavirus-vaccine-patents-rfid-human-body-interface-patent/