In this 31st Patreon post Bonnie and John speak about mind control with many examples and references to the documentation and information you will discover within this post.
There is not much TIME (tie-me). Do yourself the favor of giving yourself the very best chance at breaking through the matrix and making The Shift happen for your intended future 🙂
Cellular Phone Mobile Data Spike 80 MICROWATTS PER SQUARE METER !!!
Former Facebook Executive Speaks Out. Chamath Palihapitiya “You are being programmed.”
We did not locate the U.K. article concerning the installation of ELF antennas to London police precincts but we did dig up some very interesting information which susses out much of what is revealed in this Patreon video. Much of the internet is censored and even white washed these days and it is becoming increasingly difficult to find older articles that contain certain implications.
U.K. Cobham designs and manufactures Active Cellular Surveillance Systems
Behavior Modification Through ELF Disclosed To U.K.
Mind Control Tech Leaked in Obscure 1966 Film
Government Technology to Read Your Thoughts and Implant New Ones
5g Admitted to be for crowd control
Operation Crimson Mist
Total Population Control
No more bees equals no more huemans
U.S. Silently Tortures Americans with Cell Tower Microwaves
The Talmud And Pedophilia
The Masonic Mind Control and Talmudic Pedo Scum
Talmudic Jew Child Abuse
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
Research reveals people care more about their mobiles than their lovers
Project Freedom
The Lilly Wave (Complacency Wave)
Akwei vs NSA (1992). “There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.” — Senator Daniel K. Inouye (1987)
Our 2015 Free Your Mind Conference 3 presentation
Our original Mnemonic Mind Control discovery video.