How many of these videos you figure it’ll take for you to believe what your bible has been saying all along? Are you a Christian? Yes? Do you believe in reptilians? No?! How can that be? Your bible tells you they are here and that they will deceive mankind, especially huemans, so badly that no one will even believe that they exist. Sound familiar? The character of Bloomberg is played by a seed of satan a.k.a. Zionists/Talmudic Jew/Bolshevik/Khazarian/Sabbatean/Babylonian. These NONHUMAN CREATURES are openly in power and openly murdering/genociding EVERY GOY but only after they have spent many years now openly TELLING YOU THEIR PLAN!!!
My personal experience is this. I once had a neighbor who is a minister for his own Christian church. One day the two of us were sitting on his back porch discussing NWO and other nefarious subjects when I suddenly became aware that this “man’s”(?) eyes had slits in them for irises. I was stunned but remained totally calm. I told this individual what I was seeing and asked if I could take a photo. He seemed absolutely nonchalant and gave me permission to take a picture, which I immediately did. Furthermore, I was using an older model Motorola cell which takes no SD memory card. This means the photos taken with the phone can not be manipulated in any way. I have the photo of this minister with slits in his eyes on this old phone to this date! Reptilian humanoids are real folks. That’s as plain as I can say it.
What to do? They are not immortal 🙂