Nothing As It Seems

Written by Bonnie & John

March 28, 2022

In this 29th Patreon video, Bonnie and John discuss HIStory and how the satanic narrative has absolutely nothing to do with reality, what is truly happening nor how these things came to happen. The god/dog of this realm is sad satan/lucifer. This creature is THE master of lies. You can not trust any aspect of their matrix of deceit. What you see and hear from the main stream/Left Hand Path is ONLY lies and abominations. The narrative is there to lure the careless and the loveless into Sheol…into The Pit. KEEP the full armor of The Creator….Love is your armor and Care your shield against ALL evil. The Christ is in you. The Christ is with you. May you all break your mind control of complacency now and truly find your divine selves and begin to manifest your positive dreams of a bright future for yourself, for you loved ones, for your world. This is why The Father made you and why those without The Christ will not and can not follow.

777~None in this world more deceived than the deceivers of this world~777


From the Free Your Mind Conference 2013

Life Changing Books:
The Book of The Damned
Three Books by Charles Fort

And who is Trump? And do we not see that Biden is a clone as well? It is His-story. “His” is satan/lucifer and his story has characters like any other fiction. These characters are given lines to say and events to act in. It is all masonic/reptile/zion jew theatre. These characters are maintained at all costs until they are no longer important to the story. For instance…the roll of Princess Diana was played by no less than two males and two females, until The Lady Red (which repeats in each world) was no longer needed. This is the TRUE reason we see the Christ story repeat over and over again. The same “world story” has been replayed with each new reset of each new world. The Christ story repeats FOUR (4) times. This is because there have been 4 worlds since The Fallen were put INTO the earth. This fourth world will end very soon. The only thing in this entire realm that is true is LOVE. You either resonate with LOVE frequency or you do not. Those who resonate advance and likewise, those who do not resonate start over or are disassembled and their unique structure goes back to source, never to be seen again. Disassembly is the fate of the truly evil.

If you take the vaxxx, you will not come baxxx
locked in time and space you will be, ASCENSION you will never see
jacked online in place not free, ASCENSION will you never see
hacked in mind disgraced on knees, ASCENSION never will you see
docked to hive and traced you will be, ASCENSION never you will see
If you take the vaxxx, you will never come baxxx
A poem by: John Mit c hell
Written for: The Dead


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