Your Cell phone is a Weapon that can Possess You

Written by Bonnie & John

November 30, 2021

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  1. Thank you for letting us know. It really helps our morale to know we are helping.
    Blessed be 🙂

  2. The Creator has certainly shortened the days to protect The Right Hand Path 🙂
    Thank you for your words here John

  3. Thank you Both so much for the video we enjoy watching your videos they are very informative ! i was able to send this to my mom, and she said she will be getting rid of her phone.. as if I didnt warn her about it But it took this share to make it legit! So thank you Blissed Be to you both 😀

  4. Great video you guys. Time sure is flying by fast, seems we just had Christmas 2020 not long ago and it’s Christmas 2021 already. Aloha to you both ???

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