Lift Yourself Up

Written by Bonnie & John

September 28, 2021

In these challenging times, it can be difficult to stay in a good mood. If you are feeling depressed, try our “fake it ’till you make it” trick. Put a smile on your face even if you don’t feel like smiling; it will catch on! Find your happy thought (even if it’s tiny) and make it your focus. We are experiencing compressed time; a day might be equal to a month. You don’t want to spend time feeling bad. Do whatever you can to lift yourself up. We will all pull through this together!


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  1. We know what you are going thru for sure. We left the USA mainly because of the chemtrails sprayed on us every day there.
    Chemnbusters absolutely work. We may have some information on building them if you are interested we will send it to you or post it for you?

    A big hug from us both to you Santossally!

  2. Thankn You for this wonderful video!!!!Question i said my i do not consent sheet.. THEY Are still spraying, they blocked the sun… I am working on positive affirmations once again, putting out love & good, I do get irritated at that they spray .. the day was great.. it was clear & now its blocked & pale/sickly look like.. what else can i do. i have earth pipes… medicine wheels i put down 2days ago.. even visulization. Any help would be greatlt appreciated

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