UFOs On Fraud Election Day

Written by Bonnie & John

March 5, 2010

Yes we did just elect(?) a fella named Barry Soetoro A.K.A. Barack Husein Obama. With some actual research “anyone” including our dishonorable supreme court, can find out that good Ole’ Barry…excuse me Barack was IN FACT born in Kenya. What a hoot, eh? Several military officials and a couple senators filed law suits which went to the supreme court. The dishonorable supreme court decided not to hear the case. Now we “know” why a statue of  confederate war criminal and undisputed creator of the KKK, sinister Albert Pike (33rd degree luciferian) stands directly outside the US “in”justice department in Washington, D.C. (off shore company). These so-called honorable men and women within the in-justice department use their (illusion of) power to prop up criminals like Obama, Barry…whatever the lizard is calling himself.

Evidently those waking up to the FACT that global criminals are at the steering wheel aren’t the only ones interested in these events…Not one hair on a single human head is unaccounted for. Better wake up while you still can…



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