Media Mind Control-Making Orwellian Real

Written by Bonnie & John

July 24, 2010

This is a prime example of how mass media influences human behavior/conditioning. First you see it in the “harmless entertaining” movie. Then it comes out on the 5 O’clock news and it’s really not news anymore because you’ve been conditioned to accept it and… VOILÀ everyone goes on about their business and never think twice about a very real big brother listening in. Who knows, maybe they are even watching through the camera too? At this point why not use the camera too, it’s there right?
Well at least this is one we can fix right away. Use your home phone and get rid of the cell phones. Besides, if you take time to read the RF warning inside the booklet that comes with every cell phone, you’ll see that the RF is highly toxic to your body. Read the “independent” research on this topic and you see you’re doing yourself a favor by chucking the cell/GPS tracking device that is probably within 2 feet of you right now. 🙂 think about it, really.

Then…read this and understand where you are friend.

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