Take Back Your Power and Manifest Your Reality

Written by Bonnie & John

September 28, 2021

If you are awake and aware, you will see the truth of this place. Focus your energy on creating a beautiful life for yourself and your loved ones. We will no longer give energy to the Controllers. Focus now on the love and light of the new world brought about by our awakening consciousness. It is a  world of peace, tolerance, compassion and understanding. A world of friendship, partnership, community; a place where we all care for each other and help one another. It is time to manifest a reality where people are recognized for their inner beauty and their loving contribution to society. Take back your power and manifest your reality. The Shift is here.

“I now smash and demolish, by my spoken word, every untrue record in my subconscious mind. They shall return to the dust heap of their native nothingness, for they came from my own vain imaginings. I now make my perfect records through the Christ within. The records of Health, Wealth, Love, and Perfect Expression. This is the square of life. The Game completed.” From the book The Game of Life and How to Play It by Florence Scovel Shinn written in 1925

manifest your reality

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