In this Patreon video, Bonnie and John talk about their Out-Of-Body experiences where they separately went to underground military installations housing human beings. These are DUMBs; Deep Underground Military Bases. They are worldwide and are connected by a network of tunnels.Has a benevolent force been infiltrating some of these places, rescuing the prisoners, and then blowing the bases up?
You can read about Bonnie’s contact with multi-dimensional beings in her book Invitation to the Self; journey with the star people. She has had life-long contact with friendly star people who helped prepare her for the coming shift of consciousness. During her long journey of learning, she has also dealt with MILABs (military abductions) and has met and interacted with reptilians and greys. The link to Bonnie’s Ebook is here.
John and Bonnie discuss the need to build a Faraday Cage around their bed after getting a meter reading from the nearby cell phone tower. Building a Faraday Cage around your bed will shield the bed from EMF all night while you sleep. It is also important to go outside and put your bare feet on the ground to restore your natural resonance. The connection to the natural vibration of the earth neutralizes radiation from the cell phone towers and WI-fi. Your body will reset its frequency. Just take your shoes off and go outside!
Bonnie and John also talk about reality disintegrating around us and how it can be difficult to ride the energy waves. We are all taking part in spiritual warfare. These are the end times and, for those of us waking up, it is the beginning. There is a rapid awakening taking place within us that is part of The Shift of consciousness. More and more people are waking up right on time, but not all will make it. It’s all about your personal path and where you need to be. Keep LOVE in your heart!
We are happy to announce that Livestreaming is on its way for patrons!