Catching Up and Great News!

Written by Bonnie & John

October 3, 2020

Hello Patreons!

Well, Bonnie and I have had one heck of a busy month. We are now homesteading again and preparing for self sustaining as we did in Indiana, before our move to Uruguay. As you will see at the end of this video we are putting in a vegetable garden and some fruit trees. Also, we have some great news! For the last two weeks our internet, which was only 3Mbps download normally, went down to 0.5Mbps LOL! What fun that was. We literally could not FTP this video to WordPress. So after some waiting for our local internet provider to come through we now AMAZINGLY have, on average, 20Mbps download and WAY better upload speed as well!

So…Thank You for your patience. We have manifested a great new connection. We will be testing out video streaming live again. If we see that we are now able to do live streaming, we will begin streaming with you, our Patreons.

We will be back to loading at least two videos each month for you. Thank you again for your patience. More to come soon!

We hope you enjoy this over due video.

Be well , we love you guys!


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