Near Death Experience ~ Consciousness Survives the Body

Near Death Experience

Written by Bonnie & John

July 13, 2020

Consciousness survives the body. I know this is true because I had a Near Death Experience in 2010. I also know it because family members who have passed into spirit have returned to visit me many times. And I also know that consciousness can live outside the body because I travel Out-of-Body on the astral and etheric planes with my conscious awareness intact.
In this video, I describe my Near Death Experience, what I saw, and how it made me feel. It was an incredible, eye-opening, heartfelt event that changed my perspective on physical existence and our real home that is non-physical and eternal in nature.

This physical incarnation is a virtual learning game.
Our eternal selves are always in a safe place,
watching this physical game play out.
We come here to learn our lessons and
when we have beaten the game
we get to go home.

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