Cancer and the Candida Epidemic
Cancer is not hereditary. It’s not the result of damaged DNA and rogue cells. It’s a parasitic fungus called candida which is responsible for many of the health problems that are prevalent today.
Candida, in its non-invasive form, is a unicellular yeast that resides in the intestines, mouth and skin. Under ‘normal’ or healthy conditions, it represents only a tiny fraction of the total intestinal flora. In theory, it’s relatively harmless in this state. Candida, however, has the ability to ‘evolve’ from its simple yeast form into a destructive multicellular-mycelial form.
Dr. Tullio Simoncini is the person who is responsible for this research which identifies fungus as the cause of cancer. In fact, he has concluded that of all the fungi that can infect the human body, candida is the only one that actually produces cancer. Candida albicans in particular seems to be the source of most cancers.
Candida could be described as a “shapeshifter” organism, capable of altering its biological structure from one form to another and back again. Once it changes into mycelial form, it becomes an extremely invasive parasite which robs us of nutrients, attaches to and feeds on our living tissues, and releases toxins into our bodies.
Mycelial candida feeds on living tissue by puncturing cell walls with its hyphae, the filaments or roots which act as feeding tubes. The hyphae release enzymes to dissolve the tissue, allowing the candida to ingest the nutrients. Our bodies become food for the candida at this stage.
Candida also feeds on sugars (glucose, sucrose, fructose) in the body. Carbon dioxide, ethanol, acetaldehyde, and various toxins are released as a result of its metabolic processes.
The number of toxins that are metabolized and secreted increases when candida takes mycelial form. It also gains the protection of a biofilm barrier which makes it highly-resistant to anti-fungal drugs. Its ability to mutate and adapt new strains also increases its resistance over time.
Unlike most intestinal flora, mycelial candida provides zero symbiosis, zero benefit to the host. It’s 100% parasitic. To put it simply, candida not only steals our lunch, it also eats away at our bodies and poisons us in return. Candida albicans is the most common variety found in humans and it also causes the most problems.
In yeast form, candida is confined to the intestines. After it becomes mycelial, it eventually punches through the walls of the intestine and enters the bloodstream. This is the primary cause of intestinal leakage.
Once inside the bloodstream, candida spores can travel to any part of the body, adapt to the tissues and begin growing. Candida can infect any organ in the body – intestinal tract, lungs, heart, brain, kidneys, bladder/urethra, genitals, eyes, ears, mouth, skin and so on.
Tumor formation is actually the body’s attempt to contain virulent candida growth. It builds walls of cyst cells around the colony to seal it off and stop it from spreading. The purpose of the tumor is to encapsulate or quarantine the candida and its enzymes and toxins.
A ‘benign’ tumor is one that has successfully contained the candida, while a ‘malignant’ tumor is one that has become corrupted, allowing growth, spores and toxins to escape. According to Dr. Simoncini, ‘benign’ tumors turn ‘malignant’ when the organ or gland becomes exhausted and can no longer produce adequate/mature cyst cells.
The health problems associated with candida overgrowth are widespread and numerous, which is not surprising given its ability to spread throughout the body and produce many kinds of toxins. The following is a list of the well-known symptoms of candida infection.
Abdominal gas, bloating, frequent stomach pains and digestion problems
Constipation and/or diarrhea, rectal itching and hemorrhoids
Strong cravings for sugars, sweets, carbohydrates and alcohol
Brain fog, poor concentration, headaches and migraines (acetaldehyde)
Chronic fatigue, muscle weakness and pain (lower back and neck)
Skin problems – itchiness, skin infections, rashes, eczema, psoriasis, acne and even shingles
Sinus inflammation, persistent cough and excessive mucous in nose and throat
Oral thrush, halitosis, canker sores, tooth plaque and gingivitis
Blurred vision, eye floaters and ear infections
Hair loss, dandruff, athlete’s foot and nail fungus
Vaginitis, PMS and burning urination
Anxiety, irritability, hyperactivity, depression and mood swings
Arthritis, gout and joint inflammation
Allergies, sensitivity to fragrances and/or other chemicals
What causes candida to get so out of control? The biggest reasons are high sugar/carb diets, use of antibiotics, an acidic body environment, stress and a depressed immune system.
High levels of mercury and other toxic metals in the body have shown a strong correlation to candida overgrowth. Elevated estrogen levels from birth control pills and such, and use of steroids are also factors. All of this helps to transform it into an invasive parasite.
Nearly every human living in the modern, industrialized world, has (mycelial) candida overgrowth to some extent. Most people only begin to notice when the symptoms become severe.
I’ve personally seen how it can completely debilitate a person when it becomes systemic, left undiagnosed and untreated. It’s an epidemic that has been ignored by the mainstream medical establishment.
This is intentional. While the doctors themselves may be clueless, the heads of these organizations know exactly what they’re doing, as does the food industry that’s feeding the candida explosion.
Modern diets promote the growth of candida in the human body for several reasons. One is the consumption of large amounts of refined sugars (high fructose corn syrup, etc.) and artificial sweeteners (aspartame, etc.), carbohydrates and gluten. Candida feeds on all types of sugar, so the more of it you eat, the more their numbers grow.
Another reason is acid-formation in the body. Refined sugar (HFCS) is highly acid-forming. Candida and fungi in general thrive in a low pH (acidic) environment, while they struggle in an alkaline environment.
You can see why candida has exploded in recent years. Processed foods are mostly carbs and refined sugars (HFCS), and this in turn leads to acidosis. Candy, soft drinks, alcohol, cakes, cereals, cookies and bread are all examples of candida-promoting foods.
Soft drinks are particularly devastating because of the phosphoric acid and HFCS/aspartame they contain. Nothing will acidify the body faster than soft drinks, not to mention the other toxic effects from fluoride, aluminum, excitotoxins and caffeine. Along with the problems caused by antibiotics and hormones, meats are also strongly acid-forming.
Through the release of chemical mimics, candida tricks the body into believing that blood sugar levels are too low when they are not. This is what causes the sugar/carb or even alcohol cravings. You may think the craving is something your body needs, but it’s not. It’s the candida that demands it.
When the person gives in to the cravings and feeds the candida what it wants, it secretes a substance which makes the person feel good, for a short time. On the flip side, when the person refuses to feed the candida, it releases large amounts of acetaldehyde and other toxins, which make the person feel bad. It tries to control the host’s behavior through a carrot/stick chemical response.
In order to deal with candida through diet, two things must be done. The first is to reduce consumption of foods that feed candida, anything heavy in refined sugars and carbs. The second is to reduce consumption of acid-forming foods and increase consumption of alkali-forming foods, to push body pH from acidic to neutral or slightly alkaline.
Fighting candida through diet alone can be an uphill battle. The good news is that there are ways to safely and reliably kill candida in the body, which will make the fight much easier. I’ll discuss that later after I’ve finished with diet and a few other issues.
The term ‘acid-forming’ refers to the acidic by-products which are left behind as food is broken down by digestive/metabolic processes. These left-overs are called ash, like the ash left behind by a wood fire.
Some foods which are highly acidic, like citrus fruits, actually leave behind alkali minerals when they are metabolized. The natural acids are transformed and neutralized by the body and the net result is alkali-formation.
Magnesium, potassium, calcium and sodium are used to make base compounds. Chloride, phosphorus and sulfur are used to make acids.
Ideally, overall body pH should be neutral to slightly alkaline. Saliva pH readings should be relatively stable, while urine will be most acidic in the morning and least acidic/most base in the evening. Litmus paper can be used to test the pH of any liquid.
To maintain healthy pH levels, 70-80% of the food we eat should be alkali-forming. The water supply should also be tested for acidity. Alkalizing mineral drops can be used to bring it to neutrality (pH 7.0) if necessary.
For most people, there’s little danger of becoming ‘too alkaline’. Many of the body’s metabolic processes produce acid as a matter of course, so there’s usually enough available to correct over-alkalinity.
Correcting over-acidity is much harder on the body, as it may be forced to pull calcium and other alkalizing minerals out of bone and tissue to neutralize the acid.
Not surprisingly, osteoporosis has been linked to low (acid) body pH. Many health problems arise from an acidic body environment.
When I speak of body pH, I’m referring to the acid/base ionic balance within cell fluids, tissues and the bloodstream. This should not be confused with stomach acid (HCL), which is necessary for proper digestion.
Most people’s stomach problems are actually due to the acid being too weak, which allows harmful organisms to survive and attack the mucous and lining. Antacids only make the situation worse as they weaken the stomach acid even more, leading to improper digestion and acid-formation in the rest of the body.
Eliminating processed foods and refined sugars/sweeteners from the diet is critical to reducing acid-formation in the body. In their place, start eating more alkali-forming foods like fresh fruits and vegetables.
Kelp, chlorella and umeboshi (paste) are some of the most effective alkalizers around. Magnesium/calcium (citrate) supplements can also be taken to neutralize acidity and raise alkalinity in the body.
Acid vs. alkali/base-forming foods
Poor digestion is another factor that leads to acid-formation in the body. Digestive enzymes like papaya extract can help break down the food if the stomach is having trouble on its own.
Many foods naturally contain enzymes which help digestion. When food is overcooked, these enzymes are destroyed, and it becomes harder to digest.
Other Factors
Breathing properly/optimally is also important, as oxygen acts as an alkalizer in the bloodstream and cells. Excess CO2 in the blood leads to acidification and the cells cannot be fully oxygenated when blood pH drops too low. Candida/cancer, being anaerobic, thrives in low-oxygen environments.
Eating raw, live fruits and vegetables, especially green vegetables, promotes oxygen-formation in the body. Ozone purifiers can be used to raise oxygen levels in the air/water. There are also quite a few liquid oxygen products on the market which claim to oxygenate the body. Breathing and diet are the biggest factors, however.
Antibiotics destroy the beneficial bacteria in your intestine that keep candida in check. With the opposition removed, the balance of power goes to the candida, which then grows out of control and mutates. Anti-inflammatory drugs (cortisone/steroids) produce a similar effect.
Lactic acid is vital to good intestinal health, as it helps to eject pathogenic organisms from the gut. The lactic acid-producing lactobacillus (acidophilus) family and bifidobacterium family are the ones that largely keep candida in check. Antibiotics kill these helpful bacteria.
The immune system also works to suppress candida growth and antibiotics are known to weaken immune system function, so this is another factor which leads to candida growth.
Antibiotics are often given out for any illness as a blanket rule with no intelligent diagnosis behind it, so they usually end up doing all harm and no good. There are many healthy alternatives to antibiotics that can effectively treat infections.
If antibiotics are taken, one must immediately start rebuilding the intestinal flora with probiotics before the candida takes over. Once the candida gains the upper hand, it becomes much more difficult to get back into balance.
There is a strong link between mercury poisoning and severe candida overgrowth. This is due in part to the damaging effect mercury has on the immune system, but there also appears to be a synergistic relationship between the two which increases candida growth.
Candida converts elemental mercury into methyl mercury, which is a much greater threat as it can pass into the bloodstream from the intestine and then cross the blood brain barrier. The solution is to eliminate and avoid all sources of mercury poisoning (amalgam fillings, certain seafood, vaccinations, etc.), and then use chelation to remove the remaining load from the body.
Estrogen and estrogen-mimicking chemicals are also culprits in candida growth. The food supply is loaded with estrogen and estrogen mimics, from hormones in meat and dairy to pesticides to plastics. Some foods have naturally high levels of estrogen, like unfermented soy products (milk, textured protein). Birth control pills are also a big source of estrogen.
The estrogen overload is no mistake either. While this is primarily about making men more docile, it’s certainly helping to grow the candida epidemic. This is why women with high levels of estrogen are more likely to develop cancer, which is in fact candida. In short, reduce estrogen (mimic) intake as much as possible.
EMFs are another factor in candida growth. It’s known that exposure to microwaves accelerates the growth of yeast, fungi and parasites in the host. The parts of the body which are exposed to the most intense radiation will experience the fastest candida growth and accumulation, leading to tumor-formation.
Overall, the synthetic anti-fungal drugs are best avoided, as most of them have toxicity issues and candida will gain resistance over time. The only one that is really recommended for candida is Nystatin. There’s less risk with the more natural treatments and they often produce better results.
There a specialty probiotics on the market designed specifically to treat candida infections. One of the more popular products is ThreeLac (or FiveLac). It contains three (or five) types of bacteria which eat candida and also produce lactic acid, which is suppressive to harmful micro-organisms.
I’ve been using ThreeLac for 2 weeks now and my energy has increased notably. The daily afternoon lethargy that I experienced before is all but gone. While my issues are mild, there are people with severe overgrowth problems who have reported dramatic reversals of chronic infections.
There are quite a few anti-candida products available, each with their own formulations. Some of them also contain enzymes, like cellulase, to break down the cell wall of the candida, thus killing it. It’s claimed that there is no die-off reaction associated with enzymes, as the candida is unable to release the toxins before it dies.
Syntol, Probio5, NSI Yeast Management and Candex are also highly-regarded products in this category.
Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) is a very potent anti-fungal. This is primarily what Dr. Simoncini uses to treat his cancer patients, by directly applying the solution to the tumor via injection or catheter. Depending on the location, surgery may be necessary to reach the affected area.
He has found that the sodium bicarbonate actually destroys the connections which hold the candida colonies together as coherent organisms. The destruction happens so quickly that the candida is unable to adapt. Dr. Simoncini has been remarkably successful in treating all kinds of tumors in this way, often reaching sufficient elimination after a few weeks of treatment.
Baking soda should only be ingested orally when encapsulated or strongly bound in another medium, something that allows it to safely pass the stomach. It’s inadvisable to drink baking soda solution straight as it will neutralize stomach acid and probably lose its benefit by the time it reaches the intestine.
Some people claim it’s effective when mixed and heated with maple syrup (real, not HFCS). The premise is that as the candida eats the sugar, it also comes into contact with the baking soda, which kills it.
Baking soda can be mixed with water/oil/cream and applied to the skin anywhere there is a fungal infection. People I know have tried this on long-standing infections and it has worked better than any of the anti-fungal treatments before it, with the itching and irritation almost completely eliminated after several applications.
Baking soda is well-suited for treating infections and over-acidity within the mouth (tongue/gums/teeth) and maintaining general dental health/hygiene. One can soak in a baking soda bath solution to treat vaginal ‘yeast’ infections or any skin infections, and to also draw toxins out of the body.
Garlic is one of nature’s best anti-fungals. Most effective when eaten raw, it’s an excellent candida-fighter, and candida has a harder time gaining resistance to it than it does with drugs. It can also be applied directly to any infections on the skin, usually crushed or in a paste. There are many health benefits associated with the use of garlic.
Berberine is an anti-fungal alkaloid found in the herb barberry. It’s also present in goldenseal, Oregon grape-root and Chinese goldthread. A type of oregano, origanum vulgare, has also been found to work well as an anti-fungal/bacterial treatment.
Grapefruit seed extract kills candida and many other harmful micro-organisms. I’ve used it on occasion (food poisoning), and have found it to be highly effective and fast-acting. It appears to have quite a broad kill spectrum, so it’s possible that it could kill some of the good bacteria as well. It’s probably best to take a probiotic along with GSE, at least once in a while.
In addition to being an excellent chelator, PectaSol-C, modified citrus pectin, has shown promising results in the treatment of cancer.
Biotin can be taken to help fight candida overgrowth. Research has shown that biotin not only inhibits candida growth overall, it also prevents it from mutating into its virulent mycelial form.
The beneficial bacteria in the intestines naturally produce biotin, which is central to various metabolic processes. When those populations are too low, one becomes deficient in biotin and the candida mutates and spreads.
Iodine is another proven anti-fungal treatment. Some forms of iodine/iodide are safe for dietary/internal use (Lugol’s, Iosol, SSKI), while others are only safe for topical/external use (tincture). All iodine will be absorbed through the skin to some extent. In addition to its anti-fungal properties, iodine is critical to proper thyroid function.
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is also a powerful antimicrobial and has been used intravenously to treat cancer and other diseases. White blood cells naturally produce H2O2 in the body to kill harmful organisms through oxidation.
Candida (cancer) and many other harmful organisms, including viruses, are anaerobic. The oxidizing action of H2O2 also creates an oxygen-rich environment which is hostile to them, while at the same time providing benefit to the body’s cells which are aerobic.
For internal and IV use, only food grade H2O2 should be used, as the lower grades contain stabilizers and chemicals which should never be introduced into the body. The solution should then be diluted down (in non-chlorinated water) to a very low concentration of 0.1% or less before intake.
Another way to receive the benefits of H2O2 is by soaking in a bath solution of it (non-chlorinated water). Like baking soda, H2O2 can safely be used in dental/oral care.
Breast milk also contains high levels of H2O2, which works as an immune system booster for infants. Also of note, when vitamin C is given intravenously in high doses, it increases the production of hydrogen peroxide in cells.
The saturated fatty acids, undecylenic and caprylic acid are often used to treat fungal infections. Caprylic acid should be taken in sustained-release gel form. Without this, it gets absorbed and taken out of circulation too quickly to do any good, moving from the intestine to the bloodstream to the liver in about 10 minutes.
Eucalyptus oil is effective against fungal, bacterial and viral infections. The vapors can be safely inhaled to deal with sinus/lung infections. Tea tree oil is another one, but for topical/external use only.
Pau d’Arco is also used in candida treatments, and has strong anti-fungal/bacterial/viral properties in general. It has a long history of medicinal use dating back to the Incas and Aztecs.
Plant tannins are often found in anti-fungal/parasite treatments, the most common being black walnut. These are generally recommended for short-term use only.
Colloidal silver is also effective against fungal infections, but it’s a broad spectrum antibiotic that will kill the beneficial organisms along with the bad ones, so there is a downside. If you are taking colloidal silver, you’ll need to rebuild your flora with a good probiotic.
While not commonly available in most countries (except for Russia and China), blood irradiation is worth mentioning for its success in treating many kinds of illnesses including cancer (candida).
The way it works is simple: blood is drawn from the body through an IV tube into a UV irradiation device, where it is irradiated and then fed back into the body. It’s a similar concept to a UV water purification system, killing viruses, bacteria, fungi and other parasites in the bloodstream. The irradiated blood continues to cleanse the bloodstream once it’s reintroduced back into the body.
As the candida cells die off, they release all of their stored toxins into the body. This surge in toxicity may temporarily overwhelm the body’s ability to process and eliminate these substances, producing flu-like symptoms for a time. This is known as Herxheimer’s reaction.
This is why most people start their anti-candida programs off slowly, in small doses, and build up to larger doses as they go along. They want to avoid a sudden, massive die-off which will flood their system with toxins and make them feel sick.
Drinking plenty of water helps, as does eating foods high in fiber. Bentonite clay can be taken to bind the toxins/metals and help the body flush them out quickly.
Mycelial candida is the primary cause of “leaky gut” syndrome. Healing this damage is vital to the success of any candida program, as this condition will continue to support the growth of harmful micro-organisms (high acidity, depressed immune system, etc.) .
There are products available which are aimed at repairing the mucous and walls of the intestine, containing various essential fatty acids, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Probiotics can be taken once the mucosa is sufficiently rebuilt.
Helicobacter pylori, which is responsible for stomach ulcers and gastritis, also tends to be more of a problem when candida overgrowth is present. It can be a contributing factor to LGS.
The Agenda
It’s amazing how so much of modern life is supportive to candida growth (cancer) – processed food high in sugars/carbs/acidity, antibiotics and drugs handed out like candy, so many sources of estrogen, toxic metals, microwave radiation, and so on. I know that all of these things are deliberate.
Why is the medical establishment so unwilling to recognize candida’s role in these many illnesses, including cancer? If they did, that would put a big dent in their monstrous allopathic scam (started by John D. Rockefeller), with its expensive surgeries and tests, pushing of drugs, chemotherapy, insurance premiums, and collection of money for “charities” and “research”.
They don’t want sickness and cancer to go away. They want sickness to spread and cancer rates to rise. When they say that they want to raise cancer awareness, that is true in a sense. They want people to be aware that cancer is on the rise and they’re likely to get it.
It’s the 3 P’s – profits, pain and purge. This is the Luciferian-reptilian agenda at work.
Profits are an obvious motivation. This is the excuse they always give when people begin to figure out that they’ve been screwed, ie. due to “corporate greed”.
While the lower ranks are driven by the pursuit of money, the top of the pyramid is driven by the agenda. For them, the money only represents a means to that end, a way to get everyone else to play along.
Pain is about generating emotional anguish, not only from the patients themselves, but from their friends and relatives. The reptilians/intruders are energy parasites. They feed on human emotion, in particular the emotions of low vibration, fear, anger and depression.
They work hard to create negative emotional dramas, through the media, economy, wars, “natural” disasters and medical system.
Purge is about weakening the population over time, damaging their immune systems so that they’ll be susceptible to epidemics and other chemical, biological and radiation attacks.
Sick people are also easier to control. What little energy they have is sunk into coping with the illness. Between that and the other distractions of modern life, there’s no chance to lift one’s head up and start examining things closely.
When they announce that they’ve finally found a “cure” for cancer, it will come with a high price. To receive this “cure”, you’ll have to join the system and give up your sovereignty in the process. This is almost certainly going to be part of the Luciferian savior program.
Candida (albicans) may be an engineered organism. It can radically change its biological/DNA structure, adapt itself to any kind of tissue and manipulate the host’s behavior with chemical stimulation. It’s also able to metabolize and secrete many kinds of chemicals/toxins, some of which can cross the blood brain barrier.
Whether candida albicans is engineered or not, the establishment (food, medical) is certainly doing its best to feed its growth and keep it from being exposed as the true culprit behind a multitude of health problems. It serves their agenda and helps to keep the reptilian medical machine in business, so they try to stop this information from entering the public’s awareness.
Getting candida under control is the cure for cancer, and there are many things we can do to accomplish this. At a minimum, we know the underlying conditions of cancer growth and we know how to correct them. Wiping out the immune system and beneficial organisms with antibiotics and chemotherapy will only make things worse.
In summary, how to defeat candida overgrowth:
– Eliminate heavily processed/junk/fast food from the diet (HFCS, excitotoxins)
– Reduce consumption of refined sugars and carbohydrates in general, including alcohol
– Eat fewer acid-forming foods (sugars, meats) and more alkali-forming foods (fruits and vegetables) (30/70 acid/alkaline)
– Drink plenty of water (clean, non-acid) and supplement with alkali minerals
– Avoid taking antibiotics, steroids and products with estrogen and estrogen mimics
– Eliminate all sources of mercury/toxic metal poisoning and then remove the rest with chelation
– Avoid stress and boost immune system function
– Increase oxygenation in the body by breathing properly and eating raw fruits and vegetables
– Improve digestion by preserving enzymes in food and/or supplementing
– Use anti-fungal treatments to destroy the candida (probiotics, enzymes, iodine, etc.)
– Help the body rid itself of accumulated toxins with water, fiber, etc.
– Repair the intestine with supplements and rebuild the flora with probiotics
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