This is one of the best individuals I've ever seen at explaining the complex in a meaningful way....
Sacred Geometry Articles
May 20, 2012 Crop Circle
Jaime Maussen explains a crop circle that shows important days from the Tzolkein calendar. The...
Images of Sacred Geometry
Sacred Geometry incorporated into the computer graphic building of a beautiful castle.
Numerology 11:11
Rik Clay discusses the significance of 1111. "The Mayan calendar ends on 12/21/2012 at 11:11am."...
Frequency Creates Shape
Salt placed on an oscillator and vibrated at various frequencies creates geometric patterns....
The Flower of Life 1of19
Drunvalo Melchizedek presents the flower of life and sacred geometry, merkabah, heart center, crop circles, ETs,...
The Flower of Life 2of19
Drunvalo Melchizedek presents the flower of life and sacred geometry, merkabah, heart center, crop circles, ETs,...
The Flower of Life 3of19
Drunvalo Melchizedek presents the flower of life and sacred geometry, merkabah, heart center, crop circles, ETs,...
The Flower of Life 4of19
Drunvalo Melchizedek presents the flower of life and sacred geometry, merkabah, heart center, crop circles, ETs,...
The Flower of Life 5of19
Drunvalo Melchizedek presents the flower of life and sacred geometry, merkabah, heart center, crop circles, ETs,...
The Flower of Life 6of19
Drunvalo Melchizedek presents the flower of life and sacred geometry, merkabah, heart center, crop circles, ETs,...
The Flower of Life 7of19
Drunvalo Melchizedek presents the flower of life and sacred geometry, merkabah, heart center, crop circles, ETs,...
The Flower of Life 8of19
Drunvalo Melchizedek presents the flower of life and sacred geometry, merkabah, heart center, crop circles, ETs,...
The Flower of Life 9of19
Drunvalo Melchizedek presents the flower of life and sacred geometry, merkabah, heart center, crop circles, ETs,...