Stepping Out Of The Matrix

Written by Bonnie & John

December 13, 2020

Now is the time to focus on your own vibrational frequency of love and light. The old world around us is falling apart as a new world is beginning to take shape. The Shift is upon us as a great awakening is bursting forth. On December 21st, 2020, Jupiter and Saturn run parallel with each other to enter in the new Age of Aquarius. We are leaving the earth based sign of Capricorn and entering into the air element of Aquarius. This transition moves us into a more free-flowing stream of consciousness where humanity will gain fresh new perspectives on life. The awakened ones are watching the show play out as more and more lies are exposed and the TRUTH emerges. On January 21, 2021, things get shaken up even more as a mass of celestial bodies enter Aquarius. We will see our world change as the two paths (light and dark) split apart from each other and the enlightened ones manifest a new, beautiful world of bliss and abundance. Be strong, be happy, and keep love in your heart.

Donald J. Trump is THE Antichrist. He will be inaugurated as President of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Inc. this January, after declaring Martial Law. Shortly after or during the inauguration an assassination attempt will be carried out. The character, Trump, will sustain a substantial wound to his head (most likely left-side forehead). It will seem as if he must surely be dead. However, it will also SEEM that he survives this wound. In fact, the character of Trump is played by a clone of the original Trump. Yet, another clone will be activated with an already healed scar on it’s forehead. These things will come to pass and YOU can then know the Truth.

The above I (John) have seen in a vision. Time will tell. I am sharing this here in writing because I feel the vision was real.

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  1. You are welcome. We are happy you are here with us 🙂

  2. Thank You Both for this and Sharing ! Blissings to you both 😀

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