Reptilians/Masons/NWO Articles

Masons Rebuilding Solomon’s Temple

Someone is digging under the Al aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. They are undermining the foundation of the temple to cause it to collapse "on its own." Will the Masons rebuild the Temple of Solomon on top of it to prepare for the coming of their antichrist? The name “Mason”...


This is a well made docu all-be-it not a great copy. Although we do not agree with every view point within, this still contains crucial information and so...please enjoy, learn and enlighten yourself. Remember, no fear. This is about knowing thy enemy and it is NOT...

Illumshinary Farsters Trikling Drowzerz

About the cover photo...weird Please email us and tell us what you think about this topic? bonnieandjohn[at]awakenvideo[dot]org There are no cover photos for the videos below for your loading convenience. Part 1  17 Day Reptilian Diet Plan [video width="1280"...

Now is the time when all truth is revealed. The queen, the vatican and their minions are being called out into the light where all of humanity will see what these murderous psychopaths have done. After that, many of these wretched souls will know the second death, as...

Many Being Taken Below Already

Thanks to JsEaSvUeSs This is John. I have had a knowing for over a year now, that somehow many of the so-called elite would be deceived into retreating underground into what is actually legendary hell. I had insight as we drove past the most affluent areas in...

Fake Alien Invasion Agenda

Update: 5 5 2020 These things are about to happen. Be awake and aware. Project Blue Beam is Starlink is activated is holographic. Be not deceived. They have always been here. These words below, we wrote here years ago and today a sleeper will barely pay a second of...

sdrawkcaB sI ecalP sihT

.tfihs ralop a fo deen ni si ytilaer ruoY .uoy sevol esrevitlum eht sa uoy evol eW .su nioj esaelP __________________________________________________________ At 1:41 Watch the checkered Umbrellas in broad daylight with not a drop of rain in sight. This is a blaque...

Freeman on Masonic Black Magicians

Symbols used in advertising are just one sign of masonic magic that goes back to Egypt. Think about how masonic advertising and media influences the mundane world; it dictates what products people buy and use, the food they eat, the clothes they wear, the way they...

David Icke on Herd Mentality

Wake up to your true spiritual nature and stop being a slave to the system. "We have become terrorized into denying what we are -- UNIQUE." Break free from the herd mentality and don't be afraid to stand up for what is right. We all need to take responsibility for...

Your Magic Strawman Explained

Please give this video a chance to fully patient, this is worth your time. Here are the links to get you started on becoming a sovereign being and to cut the black magic strings of the satanic government known as the corporation THE UNITED STATES. This may...

The UNITED STATES is a Corporation

The only way out is non-compliance. "The UNITED STATES of AMERICA is a corporation.Go to the UNITED STATES CODE (note the capitalization, indicating the corporation, not the Republic) Title 28 3002 (15) (A) (B) (C). It is stated unequivocally that the UNITED STATES is...

Television Mind Control IS Digital Solomon’s Key part I

We at awakenvideo believe that this 3 part series reveals a key part in the serpents control grid over humanity. Television is poison for the human brain. If you are promoting your children watching this satanic device, you are quite actually poisoning your child....

Vox Populi, Methods of Manipulation

Thanks to tattooverb PLEASE check out Freeman

Wash Your Brain of the Hollywood Mind Control

We all grew up watching the "funny" violence in cartoons, and we were taught to laugh at it. We also let the characters on the television screen tell us how to dress and how to act. Who owns the TV stations and who creates the programming that tells us what to think?...

Reptilians Exposed From Vintage Footage.

Older era of reptilian shape-shifters. Older technology, and what do ya know! A different look to them compared to the modern version of the reptilian shape-shifter. I feel that this is due to, in part, different technology being used in conjunction with less need for...

Hu-Man Energy Being Harvested

Thanks to SpaceCowboy1954 This is an unbelievably awesome catch !!!~ Now SpaceCowboy1954 and we differ on what we think is in the video. Obviously we believe this is showing energy harvest of the reptilian flavor and SpaceCowboy1954 believes that they are chemtrails...

Your Mind Is The Target Because That’s All There Is

Think this line of evil quit with the death of journalism about the same time this docu came out? This old film gives you an honest glimpse into the level of evil in the 50's through the late 70's which was already known as the federal government then. Just ask...

Disconnect from the Matrix and Create your Life

Free your mind and your spirit right now! Switch your attention. Focus on what you can do NOW in your own personal life. Stop watching television, stop using cellphones, stop taking pills, and stop following a false way of life that has been programmed into your mind...

Televilsion Exposes Reptilian Possession

Reptilians are attaching to the human base chakra and feeding off the lower vibrations of  fear, anger, sadness, hatred, greed, lust and all negative thoughts. Is there a reptilian attached to your base chakra? It can come and go with your mood and it happens to...