Chemtrails Articles

Chemtrails, History’s View (wink)

A nod is as good as a wink to a blind man. This is TV's version...always slanted terribly, never-the-less addressed here to merely show "chemtrail" acknowledgment by corporate (mind control) TV. This is no joke people. These are the same people who managed to put a...

Awesome Aerial View of Chemtrails, Japan

This is a video apparently taken from inside a commercial jet whilst flying over a very organized chemtrail grid. You thought every time you saw Asians in an Asian country on the news, ALL wearying surgical masks, that it was because of the what????,,,flu??? On heavy...

Chemtrail Inside The Planes

A couple good shots inside of a large and a smaller chemtrail plane.  As everyone with good taste knows, having the correct background music to the apocalypse is quite essential.

Chemtrails Around the World

A deeper look into chemtrails around the world. Please folks, it's time to wake up and start looking up at the sky. Pay attention all day if you can just once and you'll see for yourself. If you get lucky enough to start the day with a clear sky, that is the day to do...

Chemtrail (Depopulation Angle)

Chemtrails are fully observable to those with eyes that see. Why are they there? What are they for? Depopulation through added bios in the trail filament? Perhaps...let's take a look.


A well made video compilation of the chemtrail phenomena. The global satanic network known as...